Monday, 9 April 2018

Main Road Development Amended with Planning Meeting set for April 24

Cumbernauld News is reporting that the proposed "Affordable Homes" development on Condorrat Main Road (opposite the petrol station), has been amended from the original planned 27 homes to 21.

The Proposal from John Russell Partnership, on behalf of Clyde Valley Housing Association and Wilson Developments, is for 2 bedroom Flats and 3 bedroom Terraced houses, with the amendment seeing one block of 6 flats being removed. 

The News reports that following the amendment, planning officials recommended permission be granted, but the planning sub-committee have decided to move to a planning hearing on April 24. 

There are a number of objections showing on the ePlanning website, whilst The News also reports that Traffic and Transportation Department objected to the original 27 unit proposal.

see also:
Main Road Development - 27 Units
Cumbernauld News - Planning Hearings will be on April 24